This is the place to come if you have vegetable gardening questions.
Whether you're an absolute beginner or a veteran, it's your opportunity to be a `smart Alec` and answer back (in the nicest possible way of course) without any fear of a parental `ear bashing`.
On the following pages you will find vegetable growing questions about what's bugging you - sorry about the pun :0), how to do something, how to avoid making a mistake or advice on a particular topic, etc. - along with a shortish answer.
It is by no means complete, but over time - and with your help! the contents will grow.
what do I mean "with your help!", and more importantly - are you up for it?
... Of course you are! Your a vegetable grower who knows what's good for you. You will have had your vegetable gardening questions answered in the past and now you want to pay it forward and help others, dont you! So now's your chance.
Send us your questions that you know the answers to...
IMPORTANT - The question and answer combinations are to be emailed in together. One without the other will not be published.
![]() Symptoms Of Lettuce Affected By Root Aphids |
![]() Root Aphids Attacking The Lettuce Roots |
For each question/answer combination published you will be credited as the one who submitted it. Your name and location will be added to the bottom of the post. Eg. Pete Mulcher, Bedminster.
Heck, I'll even upload a picture of yourself (it's ok to look smug) or an image that is relevent to the question/answer if you email one with it.
So... have you been helped in the past by having your vegetable gardening questions answered, then do pay it forward and help a fellow vegetable grower to get the answer h/she needs - become an educator.
Send in any amount of them - you'll become well known the world over because at the time of writing this, 65,000 (and growing) unique visitors per month visit Thousands of people are turning away from tasteless store-bought vegetable produce to growing garden vegetables of their own...
... they want your help!
Come on - give them a hand with their vegetable gardening queries as they get to grips with planting healthy fresh vegetables.
Submit your question and answer combinations by clicking on "I Love To Help Others" and make yourself famous by giving a helping hand.
Vegetable Gardening Questions - NOTE: Sorry but VGG CANNOT accept questions which need a reply - there are just too many. The formation of this list of questions and answers regarding veg growing questions is to meet this need so please help build it - it's a resource for you.
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