by Martha
(North Georgia - USA)
I need help with growing Brussels Sprouts.
I planted these on a whim knowing nothing about them and think I've missed something... like harvest time?
They've been through our February snow/ice storm and look like they're flowering now but I've yet to see a sprout that looked anything like what I remember seeing at the Farmer's Market.
Have I missed the boat?
Hi Martha
Are those flower stalks coming from the leaf joints of the plant? If so, this is where the sprout buttons would form and it may be that the brussels sprout plants have 'bolted' instead, which means that they have rushed to produce seed instead of the sprouts.
This may have happened because the plants were planted at the wrong time of year (you don't say when these brussels sprout plants where planted out) or they have suffered too much stress - lack of water, poor soil conditions, extreme weather etc.
But whatever the reason there wont be a harvest so pull them up and put them on your compost heap Martha.
Follow the advice given on the following web page and good luck for next time.
How To Grow Brussels Sprouts
Maybe some of our visitors could through some light on this enigma - just comment on the form below and Martha will be eternally grateful.
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